Friday 22 February 2013

Building the world

February 6th- (Building the world) Once we had a grasp of the movie we needed to begin adding in an illustrated world that would convey they deep and docile place untouched by man but at the same time very beautiful as mother nature can be. 

​We chose many dark greens, blues and browns when creating the landscape, it is full of moss and hanging branches, and is softly lit with dispersed partials of yellow light from the burning light. We researched many abandoned areas especially the jungles of south america, Venezuela and the jungles of India. I have found that in those places there is a very ethereal feel that ghost like essence. that both scares and intrigues, and having these production paintings really steps the animatic up. we have not uploaded all of the areas these two above are just a sneek peek you will have to stay tuned to see more.

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