Friday 22 February 2013

Animatic Process

Our storyboards once refined were put on a timeline that were then expanded upon to create timing and emotion, we spend from November to the end of Christmas 2012 working on the layering and sequences, they were interspersed with sounds and voices so they became themselves a movie in essence. During this process we continually were watching movies such as the 1992 movie "Alive" that focused on an Argentinian group of football players that were stranded in the mountains for over a week. and others such as 127 hours, Buried, The incredible shrinking man, 9/11 etc. Basically anything to get out minds motivated towards this subject and also to help us get in the mindset of what it would be like to be trapped in the jungle, far above ground with no way out. We sat down and took this data into consideration when we worked with the animatic. We then made sure to use the wonderful film making skills of Alfred Hitchcock.

We extensively researched and watched Hitchcock movies that we felt matched the one we wanted to create also taking into account the steps and techniques he would use to create masterpieces. some of the effects he used most

of all were a things called a Mcguffin where by showing nothing sandwiched between a very tense action or shot, just to keep the viewer hooked, strategic and holding cameras for a very long time to build tension, these are essential in our movies, as over the process of 4 animatic's we began cutting our film from say 70 shots to almost half that amount as to build the character and stay with her though her trauma. A final thing when producing a clear animatic before moving on to the animation process, was as Hitchcock said if you can do it with out sound it would be better, and it worked that way for us, as when we did our first two animatic they were filled with voices and dialogue sequences of the thoughts of her inner mind, but they clouded the movie and rushed it along not allowing you to feel anything for her as a person.

Once we resolved that and stripped it away it really pushed us to know that the only way she would come over was with visual acting, in her minute body movements and the way she moved and turned. taking those things into consideration is a key point when working on this movie. We then began to work with backgrounds to fit a world to our story.

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