Monday 4 March 2013

Hanging in there progess

so very close to finishing shots 3 and 4 just a few colour fills and line adjustments then they will be ready to cross off of the list. here is a screen shot of around the finished look of the shot. As you can see there were many changes the background was popped out with detail and the lighting has been adjusted to feel
true to the situation. Lets hope this will fit in with the mood and setting of the rest of the film.

with another weekend approaching to update you guys i have created another background to fit in with a shot where our character spots her captain dead on the ground. This is now completed and leaves only 1 background left to have them all completed. Animation wise I have finished the shot I was working on (see above) adding another 16 second to our completed animation giving us a grand total of 37 seconds of completed animation. Flare is almost finished her shot and with that completed we are nearing the minute milestone. As we have heavily weighted ourselves towards completing the beginning of our movie, we feel that floating around and completing various smaller shots will keep us fresh and invigorated with the project.

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