Friday 22 February 2013

Previous Animatics

As I have almost fully caught up with where we are up to now, I would like to take a minute to look back at the previous animatic versions we had created, just to show how much our movie has grown and changed, at first it was a very simple piece (which in essence is good) but considering that there was no tension building or escalation of ticking clock we revamped the idea for a while completely Taking into consideration all of the feedback from people around up, we attempted to fit everything they wanted to say as well as our own goals and how we felt about it, it became very convoluted and compact with dense information that really didn't help raise tension at all and instead worked against us. We did however keep key elements by the time we began our most recent and complete animatic.

the version on the left is the earlier V1 animatic, which contained only a short section of base information, and the version to the right contained a more final look and feel with sounds and musical composition to go with the feel of the movie. But when we had our critical reflection session with our class before the Christmas holidays, we were given very good feedback that allowed us to strip away a lot of the information that we believed yielded no glory for us. and we began again using our original and simple story and made the situation revolve more around her has a character instead of incorporating the captain so much.

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